Monday, June 11, 2012

Getting closer -- I guess it's real

I have my plane reservations to Philadelphia.  I fly out on the 25th and spend the night. The 26th is devoted to Peace Corps staging.  I will meet the other people who are on their way to The Gambia, get more vaccinations, and learn more about what is expected of me and the other volunteers.  Then on the 27th we all leave for Brussels and then to The Gambia (nervous feeling in my stomach writing these words).

I am in the last stages of getting everything I need.  It is amazing how much money you can spend to go and live at a low income level.  The packing list is very long and the weight limit on baggage is low so figuring out what I can leave out is the interesting part.  

I have been overwhelmed with gifts and parties.  People have been wonderful and have made me feel very special.  When I have my low moments in The Gambia (I have been assured that I will have them), I will remember all of the people back in Portland who will be reading my exploits and soldier on.   

Everyone do a mind meld with me and send some language learning abilities my way.  I am attempting to learn the greetings in all of the languages.  We are supposed to know them before we come.  



  1. One full week left in Portland. Wow! I am so proud of you! The people of the Gambia are so fortunate to have people like you ready and willing to give up "the good life" to make theirs better. I can't wait to hear all about the adventures I know you will have.
    Much love,
    Sister Sue

  2. How's it going? Are you still in Belgium?
