Thursday, March 27, 2014

The United Nations WFP Crew

Yesterday we went outside and had a picture taken of the whole WFP crew.  This is program staff, logistics staff and drivers. As you can see, I am the only toubob in the crew now.  The casually dressed man in the front is our finance officer who had popped in on his day off.  He just came back from 2 months temporary duty in Rome (wish I had been the one for that)

The head of the office, Vitoria Ginja is the second one from the left in the front row.  The two women on the right side wearing more western style skirts and blouses are both Christians.  The number two man in the office, the Head of Programme is on the right in the first row. Drivers are the men with with WFP blue shirts or pants. 

Just completed the second round of school garden training.  I was up country long enough to know that it is freaking hot up there in the afternoon.  We were outside for practical demonstrations and I thought I was going to pass out.  The volunteers up there tell me that afternoon naps are de regueur. I can certainly see why.  Working in that heat could kill you.  Let's here it for working in an air conditioned office. 

I will write more about training later but have not posted for a long time and this was an easy post.